small batch distilled gin by Good George Brewing. Distilled in Hamilton, New Zealand using locally grown botanicals, carefully blended to produce award...
a contemporary twist on a classic Gin, Fresh sweet & forward, fresh citrus, with a finish of juniper giving way to...
Inspired by a New Zealand summer, distilled at the site of the original Tuatara Brewery on our very own Kapiti...
Wasabi root grown locally in Golden Bay is the inspiration for how a navy strength gin should taste. The Initial...
Award winning Gin is small batch distilled with Great Barrier Island Manuka & Bush honey. Crafted in a copper still, off grid, 5...
The Proof; where the art of distilling meets the pure pleasure of creation. A space where ideas are tried and...
This new hand-crafted premium New Zealand Gin contains 12 exquisite botanicals and is infused with delicious, ripe Pomegranate juice. Produced...
This premium hand-crafted New Zealand Gin is perfectly infused with blueberries and a dozen different botanicals for a refreshing, delicious...
Our Pink Gin hand crafted, distilled and bottled by Lammermoor Distillery on our family station in Central Otago, New Zealand. Tasting...
A refreshing pink gin. Fresh Rhubarb, Curious Dry and a little added sweetness makes a delicious sweet zesty gin. Best...
A complex gin with the strength and intensity to deliver in the classic Negroni cocktail. Malted barley base spirit, spicy...
A classically styled dry gin for the traditional gin drinker. Using just four New Zealand native botanicals this fabulous gin...
A goddess amongst gins. Our Extra Fine is our award-winning signature gin. Known for charming the most ordinary occasion into...
Our dry gin is spice forward with notes of cardamom, coriander, and peppercorns. Balanced with manuka leaves on the nose...
Voted the Best London Dry Gin at the 2018 International Wine & Spirits competition, this gin is outstanding. A juicy...